Hudak has already made a few contributions
of his own to Ontario's economic woes. One should not forget he blew a mighty
fine horn on the Harris Common Sense bandwagon; apparently, he learned little as
he still believes that hacking away at public institutions will create boundless
prosperity for the province (definition of insanity: doing the same thing over
again expecting a different result). In the previous election he campaigned on
cancelling the gas plants which he now decries - I think he doth protest too
much. And now, he proposes to axe transit projects at a similarly great expense
to the taxpayer - clever boy. The mathematics of his jobs plan is that every
public sector job axed will create 11 private sector jobs - the last
Conservative effort saw more then 1 private sector job lost for every public
service job hacked (definition of insanity ...). And still the Hudaxe will not
confirm that Pokaroo is safe. Then he'll fix the electricity system by hacking
and reorganizing it, as if the hack job that he and his fellow Common Sense
revolutionaries carried out hadn't done enough damage: they (including Hudak)
promised that the rates would go down then and will again when the Hudaxe