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Monday, April 8, 2013

The man who would be Queen of Canada

Aspiring to be the first monarch of Canada Stephen Harper has forgotten one important thing.... his subjects.

Since 2006, when first elected, His Majesty Queen Stephen of Calgary shunned the desires of his subjects in favour of a radical approach to shaping his country into a dictatorship.

As the world was about to hit a financial crisis he and his Prince of Finance, James of Oshawa, pooh poohed the warnings from men more learned than they and told their subjects "Canada is immune to this World crisis".

Fast forward to March 2013, Canada shed 54,500 jobs, mostly full time and her unemployment rate jumped to 7.2 %. But we can still count on "His Majesty's 2013 Action Plan" ads to sustain the country.

Virtually all the job losses were full-time. The hard-hit manufacturing sector, particularly affected by the strong Canadian dollar and struggling customers, lost 24,200 jobs.
Employment also fell in the public administration and accommodation and food services sectors. Private sector employment dropped by 85,400 positions while the number of self-employed grew by 38,700.

The good news, well there really isn't any, other than what statisticians would like Canadians to believe.. that Canada created 38,700 self employed. What does that really mean? It means another 38,700 Canadians dropped out of the job search market. They registered a company and many have entered the lucrative but volatile contract industry while others may have mortgaged everything they own to raise enough money to start a business.
None of these self employed are Federally assisted. Why? Because His Majesty Queen Stephen of Calgary is pandering to foreign entrepreneurs rather than assisting Canadians.
At the start of the recession the Harper Regime invested 10's of billions upon 10's of billions in infrastructure and reduced industry taxes all of which did nothing for small business but did increase cash flow for the already wealthy corporations. It has only been in the 2012 budget that His Majesty Queen Stephen acknowledged the little guy, the one with ten to 50 employees. Too little too late. So now they want to fast track the little guy from anywhere but Canada.
Lets look at a silly scenario for investment in Canadians.
Say I am about to be unemployed, along with 199,999 other Canadians, I and 99,999 of my counterparts either have a company buy out plan or access to thousands of dollars.
We, the 100,000, want to start our own business (for His Majesty that would be 99,999 plus me = 100,000). We have a valid business plan but require addition cash flow. The Federal government, rather than throw billions at their cronies, could invest in the people. Radical idea, I know. They could offer a 50,000 dollar forgivable line of credit guarantee at a chartered bank for every 15,000 to 25,000 dollars of personal investment.

To police their investment they could hire, on a per diem basis, experienced retirees to monitor and mentor the new entrepreneurs. (similar to how they are now policing and stalking seasonal workers)
Federal investment would be between 5 and 10 billion dollars not the 10's of billions they squandered. Each entrepreneur would buy equipment, an investment in Canada,. Each entrepreneur would buy material, an investment in Canada. Each entrepreneur would hire an employee or ten??? an investment in Canada. And even if 50% failed in the first 3 years the government would have invested in Canada approximately 2.5 to 5 billion dollars that went directly into the economy.
If a mere 20% of the remaining 50 thousand entrepreneurs were somewhat successful and an additional 10% were very successful we would have created some 15, 000 new businesses.
I know the concept of government investing in its people is a stretch however my own business success was based on a similar formula although it was contact based not government based forgivable assistance.

The biggest deterrent to any assistance from the dictatorship of Queen Stephen would be the bureaucracy and regulations they would impose upon the business community that would restrict creative entrepreneurship.

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