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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Please circulate this disgraceful example

This is what they are like.......................Eishhhhhhhhhhh

WW II - British Military Cemetery in Libya.   

Subject: PLEASE,  circulate this disgraceful example of behaviour, world wide ... If I were Muslim I would call for Jihad, however My GOD says forgive them for they know not what they do. MMC
Wouldn't you  just love to walk in on them with a M-60 machine gun and lay them flat?

    Do we want this sort of stupidity  and racial bigotry in what's left of our beautiful country....have a worry free day, for now.........................
PLEASE, circulate this disgraceful example of behaviour, world wide if you can. The real truth!
A view of our peaceful Muslim friends who we helped free from persecution from Colonel Gadhafi, this is obviously their way of saying thanks.

Every time a joke and or cartoon is made about the Koran, the whole world turns upside  down...!! and we are all called racists!!!!!!!!

However they appear to do what ever they like and no one says anything...and the majority of people remain SILENT.
Perhaps someone needs to blow up Mecca and set all Mosques  around the world on fire 

See this video whilst it's available and before it is removed !!!

Thanks Heidi

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