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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Temporary Chinese workers to pay 12,500 dollars(CAD) for jobs

As I inferred yesterday, Canada may be creating a series of sweatshops with their "Temporary Immigration" rules. It looks like I was not that far off.

Chinese miners being recruited to work in Canada are paying more than $12,500 CAD for the privilege, The Tyee has learned, and their actual wages are less than those advertised.

We are going back 100 years under this Harper Regime, back to a time when foreign workers mostly Chinese were brought to the America's to work on the railway and in mines. They were taken advantage of then and it appears that they are being taken advantage of again. This is not how a civilized society should be run.

The company is building accommodations for the workers, that's the same thing major corporations did 100 years ago. In the late 1800's and early 1900's the company controlled everything, housing, stores, transportation and they charged their workers exorbitant prices.

The bigger question here is are we living in the 19th century or the 21st? Are we a Nation that turns a blind eye to human abuse?

It may not look like it right now but it sure as hell looks like we are heading down that road.

I spoke with a friend today, a former Argentinian, who wants to go back to Buenos Aires and start a business. He is well informed and has many associates within the Federal government there. He has asked me to assist him with his plans. In conversation he told me that he could get all kinds of Chinese workers, that people can buy them. Is that what is happening here?

Is this how bad the Harper government wants to compete with the Third World?

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