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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Road trip to Canada's East Coast

G'Morning Bob ............. The photo of the Lick-A-Chick Restaurant on the blog this morning got me scouring through my pics. - Last October. Ann and I took a road trip to the Maritimes to witness the autumn colours, with our first major stop being P.E.I. - We rounded a bend on the highway just outside of Cavendish and there in the middle of the road was a fox. We thought for sure it would scurry off into the bushes but low and behold it just sat there and I, of course, came to a complete stop. It approached the right side door window and just stared at Ann. Then a few seconds later out of the bushes came an even larger fox and approached my window. I have a feeling that the male fox had his partner stop the traffic and when safe to do so came out onto the highway. (Smart as a fox wouldn't you say!!) The people in town say the foxes were looking to be fed which is a real shame as they stop being frightened of people and lose their natural ability to feed themselves. Signs everywhere stating not to feed them but some people just don't listen.
Now ................... When we got back to the mainland and were approx 20 kms. from the Cabot Trail, take a look at what we saw. Someone's idea of being funny I guess and it obviously sells a lot of chicken!!
Later - Win

Thanks Win.... the East Coast is not just a great place to visit but to live as well. Pat and I had the good fortune to spend 9 years down East.

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