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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Panda's, Hockey Players and Corporate Pimps- Harpers priorities

When it comes to what is important to Canada and it's people Stephen Harper would rather talk Panda's, hockey or suck up to his corporate pimps.

The taxpayer is nothing more than a cash cow to pay off his ineptness as a Prime Minister. He flaunts the latest budget as being important to paying down the deficit by 2015.... it is NOT the taxpayers deficit.... it is his and Jim Flaherty's .... we, the taxpayer, did not ask him to invest in his corporate pimps .... what we expected was a valid investment in the economy and it's people ... we didn't ask for EI reforms or the stalking of seasonal workers ... the vast majority of Canadians will never visit the Panda's and, outside of Calgary, few people care that Iginla was traded to Pittsburgh ... well sort of, it means that the Penguins are really a powerhouse in the league.... but that is all it means to the rest of Canada.

He and Flaherty have hidden tax increases in the budget and let the people believe there were none. They threw moms and dads a bone by declaring that tariffs will be dropped on sports equipment while raising tariffs on 72 countries that provide essentials to the people where the increases will far out way any benefit from the drop in sports equipment.... that's if the distributors pass it on to the outlets.

Foreign Affairs has become the laughing stock of the World. Our Minister of the Environment is a hypocritical joke ..... and what can one say about Aboriginal Affairs??? There is not one minister that has shown any competence since Jim Prentice decided to leave politics and that in itself is a damn shame and a great loss to Canadians.... Jim Prentice was the sole voice of sanity within the party.

And lets not forget our hospitals, who, with the reduction in funding have turned to their parking lots as a source of income, but now Stephen Harper and Jim Flaherty have decided that this source of revenue will no longer be tax exempt .... so on top of the already prohibitive cost of visiting the hospital the Conservatives have added HST to the scenario.

Now, consider the cancer patient, senior or other high risk patient who must make daily, bi-weekly or weekly visits to the hospital and whose sole earnings are EI or a Canada pension, how do they cope. Oh sorry, that's not your problem... let them die ..... after all if your Prime Minister doesn't care why should your tax dollar go to helping those in need?

There are thousands of people including seniors whose medication is not covered by their insurance or medicare the only way to obtain it is at the mercy of the pharmaceutical companies who are overcharging to begin with and then claim their benevolence at tax time.

We all feel good about dropping money in the Salvation Army Kettle at Christmas time or giving food to the food bank at Easter but we are loath to give a dollar or two in taxes on payday for the betterment of those less fortunate than us.

“Parking fees are a penalty for having a disease,” says cancer specialist Dr. Bob Winston. “It seems like an unfair tax on my patients.”

McKenna concedes that hospitals need reliable revenue streams, but argues that it’s unfair to put the burden on already troubled families, and says hospitals should find another way to make money.

“I understand (charging for parking), but we have to take it a bit further than just talking about how much revenue we can get. We have to think about there's a cost to that, not only to the patient, but to the system overall.

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