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Thursday, April 11, 2013

My allegiance is to my country and to Canadians

To day on Facebook I posted something referencing the Harper government and my disdain for them. Shocking I know, however one of my FB friend inquired as to who I thought would be better. It is not a matter of who I think is better, it is that in my opinion no one could do as bad.

I don't have a party allegiance nor do I favour one more than the other there are however some that I like less. I have never voted NDP whether Federally or Provincially. Why? because old habits never die they just remain in the background until one can raise them once again.

I never voted Reform nor Alliance and now that they call themselves Conservatives I find that the same reasons I shy away from the NDP applies to them. Old habits simply remain in the background until they raise their ugly head once again. Then there are impostors  those who attempt to disguise their true selves by taking the identity of another, that is what this government has done. Simply put it offends me that they couldn't win by being themselves they had to cloak the party in Torie blue.

In the past I voted for the old PC's, the Liberal's and even for the Green Party at the Federal and Provincial levels. Some have accused me of squandering my vote ..... one can only squander their vote by not voting.

There was a time when asked who I would be voting for I said "The biggest liar, because I know they won't keep their promises" .... the Harper regime has made me rethink my voting system.

What I post here is what I see, what I like and what  I disagree with. There was a point where Stephen Harper almost had me on his side back in 2006 since then he has systematically tried to destroy Canada both internally and internationally. The party has lied to the House of Commons, deceived the people in their budget, cheated on their electoral spending, spent millions on advertising their action plan, chastised and fired those in the federal departments who told the truth or disagreed with them and when caught telling a lie simply told it a different way..... shall I go on?

So as far as my allegiances are concerned they are to my country and to its people and while I will post my dislikes I will not impose my preferences unless you attack Canadians.

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