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Monday, April 8, 2013

"How to replace Canadian workers with temporary foreign workers" By Jason Kenney and Diane Finley

Jason Kenney and Diane Finley have written the book on how to replace Canadian workers with temporary foreign workers and, when exposed, they try to tell Canadians that "This should not happen"

"Bullshit"! This is not the first time it has happened and it will not be the last time under this Conservative government and their 3rd World view of Canada. Just like the situation in the BC coal mine the Conservatives will announce that the RBC is within their rights to bring in temporary workers.

"Of course they are, its in Jason Kenney's and Diane Finley's book"

Thanks for the link Ed

RBC is outsourcing their IT support to an India temporary service, both Jason Kenney and Diane Finley are feigning shock and surprise ..... really? How is that possible when one is Minister of Immigration and the other is Minister of Human Resources? This is not the first time ....

The hundreds of “temporary” foreign workers coming from China starting this autumn to work in northeastern B.C. coal mines will end up staying for years, if not decades, predicts the president of a B.C.-based employment agency.

Read more:

Yes I am angry and so should you be. I don't give a damn if people don't like what I post here.... this is wrong..... this is anti-Canadian.... this is not in the best interest of Canadian workers.... this does not help the Canadian economy.....

The Conservative "Temporary Worker Policy" only helps corporations.

The unemployed Canadians who end up on EI will be considered cheats and liars by EI stalkers because they cannot find work.

I want each and every one of you to reflect on how angry you were when Canadian call centres were replaced by foreign centres and how frustrated you are when you call any of the major corporations to either complain or to seek assistance and you can barely understand the person at the other end. Canadians lost their jobs too.

If you are a "true" Canadian

Shout out at the top of your lungs

"Enough is Enough"

Foot note:

RBC claims they will discuss their actions with the Conservatives however the end result is they ARE outsourcing services and you can be sure there will be Canadians that lose their jobs in the end.

I understand outsourcing or contract workers, my own daughter is a contract worker for a major bank, but she is Canadian. Right now we have 7.2% unemployment, you can't tell me that RBC could not find 40 or so qualified Canadians willing to do contract work for them. Last month alone some 38,700 Canadians registered their own company, I'll bet there are 40 IT contract workers amongst them.

Somebody had better come up with a damn good argument as to how in the hell there is cost saving to bringing some 40 people from India and house, feed and cloth them without putting them in a compound and treating them like slaves.

Oh sorry, it is the responsibility of the supplier in India not that of the RBC or the Conservatives.

We hear that argument from those who purchase from the sweatshop countries such as China, Thailand and.... "Oh yeah India". "Gee, we weren't aware". "Our agent assured us that the product didn't come from a sweatshop".

Who will police the potential of a wave of Canadian sweatshops if more companies are allowed to bring in temporary workers under this Conservative program?

Ask yourself, "Will my job be next"?

1 comment:

  1. They are outsourcing their employees to other countries, bit they are still raising their fees on June 01.
