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Friday, April 5, 2013

Comment on "We are the last of the true Canadians"

A majority of Canadians opposed Harper's war on Afghanistan.

They were expressing traditional Canadian values whether Christian or not.
He proceeded against their will.

It is neither Christian nor Canadian to have ordered Canadian forces to bomb civilians in Libya although it is patently obvious how it connects to the interests of empire.

Our values include civility and support for the rule of law, neither is this governments strong suit.
Thanks Ed.... points well taken. Unfortunately for Canadians this government follows the philosophical teachings of Bushism.
- when you don't know fabricate
- attack thy challenger with untruths
- if you tell a lie often enough the people will believe it
- if all else fails deny, deny, deny
- silence your critics with threats of revoking funding
- redact, redact, redact and insist it is in the best interest of Canada's security.
In recent days we have seen or heard of the radicalization of our youth who were involved in the hostage taking in Algeria. It is important for Canadians to know that the frustration and anger expressed by these young men is not limited to our Muslim brethren but is a growing problem within all Canadian youth in the 17 to 30 age bracket.
It is a sign of our economic times and the lack of acknowledgment by the Harper government that our most valued asset is being overlooked. We see the frustration in the Quebec student movement, the Idle No More movement and in a wide variety of recent sit-ins around the country.
My biggest fear is that as time progresses and this government continues to put an emphasis on immigration and oil and mining while ignoring our youth that we will see more home grown radicals from all walks of Canadian life.
The Harper government is now fast tracking those foreign entrepreneurs who wish to come to Canada and invest.... that is all well and good ..... for the future but does nothing for today's graduates ... the Harper government wasted the last 5 years of this recession introducing new laws extending minimum jail terms, eliminating the long gun registry, cutting federal environmental positions, denying global warming and spending millions on advertising their failed economic plan all while ignoring the taxpayer.
We see announcement after announcement all of which are smoke and mirrors to distract Canadians from their true objectives..... to change the face of Canada and eliminate civility, compassion and international respect.
Manning Centre for Building Democracy
"School of Bushisms"

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