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Friday, July 11, 2014

Seriously???? Yes.... LOL

Tories compiled Harper's most controversial quotes

A 500-page dossier of potentially damaging remarks by Stephen Harper has hit the election campaign, but don't blame the opposition parties — it was prepared by the Conservatives.

The thick binder of material, obtained by the Liberals, is a treasure trove of controversial Harper quotes, listed alphabetically by subject matter. It covers everything from abortion to western alienation and dates as far back as the 1980s.

The fact that the Tories felt compelled to research their own leader suggests they believed Harper's past penchant for blunt, uncompromising talk could pose a problem on the campaign trail.

The files include this 2002 boast from Harper, then a leadership contestant: "I'm not ashamed to say that, in caucus, I have more pro-life MPs supporting me than supporting Stockwell Day.
There's also his 1995 assertion that "providing for the poor is a provincial, not a federal responsibility."

And the 1999 argument that Quebec's language law was designed by the Parti Québécois "to suppress the basic freedoms of English-speaking Quebecers and to ghettoize the French-speaking majority into an ethnic state."

All parties go to enormous effort digging up damaging comments by rival leaders and candidates, which they take great glee in exposing at the most inopportune moments. But it's unusual to see a party collect its own leader's questionable quotes.

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