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Saturday, May 21, 2016

Old story

The “Silk Scarf”

Pictured here are myself and our friend Pauline in the condo on Panama Beach, Florida.

Pauline and Harry invited Pat and I to join them for a week of fun and frolicking. As most of you know I do not dance to the same tune as the rest of the World, fortunately do none of my friends. On the night this picture was taken we had been to a dinner show, an Elvis impersonator and much more including Johnny Cash and June Carter, they were sensational.

Now on to the silk scarf story. We were seated front and centre at the restaurant, after the meal the waiters asked us to move back a foot or two, the stage rose from the floor and was less than arms length from our table. The show began with a variety of impersonations then at half interval the lead singer changed into his Elvis clothes, he was incredible, then he mimicked Elvis’ by handing out silk scarf’s to the ladies.

For whatever reason he thought Pauline and I was a couple and Harry and Pat the other couple.

He motioned Pauline to the stage and knelt while he sang to her, then put a scarf around her neck, drew her close and kissed her, when he stood he jestered to her to flash him embarrassed she shook her head and returned to our table laughing.

As he continued to sing he looked over at me as if singing to me, I couldn’t resist, I raised my shirt and flashed my man boobs, he fell to his knees and laughed hysterically no one else had seen what I did, the band stopped playing and the Elvis impersonator explained to the crowd and the band what had happened, he then had his wife, who did the June Carter impersonation, come down and give me a scarf and a kiss.

Not content to allow him to finish the set without further interruption I was attempting to raise myself up when I leaned on the table, it tilted and all the water glasses slid across the table onto Pauline’s lap soaking her, she jumped up and started smacking me, the singer saw what happened and again started to laugh. The customer around us handed Pauline napkins as the singer laughed and explained to the rest of the crowd what had transpired.

Fortunately everyone took it in good stride, except Pauline of course, and the band thanked us for a fun night as we were shaking their hands on the way out.

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