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Monday, May 30, 2016

From Alberta Politics


PHOTOS: Rona Ambrose dressed up in hospital scrubs and a stethoscope. Hint: She’s not a real doctor. It’s not clear from this photo, which was published on a CTV site, if the other people are real health care workers or Tory MPs. Below: Your blogger with Dr. Joe Vipond, who is a real doctor. Hint: Perfesser Dave is not a real professor. Below that: Jason Kenney. Erm, that’s it. Stephen Harper dressed as a helicopter pilot. Guess what?
Well, that was quick!
On Tuesday, a spokesperson for Ontario’s Crown prosecutors announced there would be no appeal of the acquittal of Sen. Mike Duffy, who had been found not guilty last month of 31 charges of fraud, breach of trust and bribery.
Yesterday – that is to say, for those of you who read this later, on Wednesday – the Globe and Mail reported that former Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper will now resign as MP for the Calgary Heritage riding and slip out the back door of the Parliament Buildings a final time.
The Globe’s story, and all the coverage of the same story since, seems not to have mentioned the elephant in the Parliamentary chamber, that is, the simplest explanation of why the humiliated ex-PM was sticking around so long after the Oct. 19, 2015, federal election when he obviously didn’t feel much like it. To wit: He needed to preserve his Parliamentary privilege long enough to avoid being called to testify about the shenanigans in the Prime Minister’s Office back in the days when the boys in short pants were trying to get then-Conservative Sen. Duffy to stop embarrassing the Harper Government.
Had he been called to testify, of course, the question he was bound to be asked by Mr. Duffy’s very sharp lawyer was, “How much did you know?” We can only speculate on why the former prime minister might have not wanted to have to answer such a question under oath.

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