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Thursday, May 19, 2016

From Time Magazine: You're cool Canada

Canadians, Leave Your ‘First Lady’ Alone!

Dear Gentle People of Canada,
You may not be aware of this, but there are a lot of folks on the other side of the Niagara who look upon you and your ways with envy. You have those cheap drugs, those affordable universities, that easy-to-draw flag, and that slightly better view of the Falls.
And recently you elected a criminally handsome feminist as your Prime Minister. He can explain tricky mathematical theories. He can do one-handed pushups. He has OMG eyes, GR8 hair, at least one tattoo, IRL abs. He can do yoga. He tweets funny videos. He’s the perfect leader for the Instagram generation.
Suddenly, all eyes are on you, Canada. You are modern and exciting. You’ve always been pretty cold, and now, finally, you’re cool, too.

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