Every Single One of These Facts are LINKed to the Proof at:http://consbegonemanual.blogspot.ca/
Note to Opposition Candidates:
This Harper Fact Checker will grow exponentially by the day, until Election Day. To stay on top of all of Harper's corruption, PLEASE review it DAILY! Thanks!
Fact Checker Index
The Harper Mismanagement & Corrupton in a Nutshell
Number Refers to Reason # in Manual
75% of all Canadian rail engineers falling asleep at the switch: Harper Gov't deems this now safer, 136
840,000 starving Canadians using Food Banks, 71
$300,000 Harper's free plane ride for friends, 139
$786,000 Harper's bill to visit Franklin wreck site, 63
$1,000,000 Harper paid to ship his limo to India, 189
$27,000,000 Amount approved by Harper's new Election Law: to take from hard-working Canadians to give directly to CON Party to spend on Election 2015, 180
$40,000,000 Amount handed by Harper to a crook with a five conviction criminal record to do oil lobbying, 236
$40,000,000 Amount handed by Harper to a crook with a five conviction criminal record to do oil lobbying, 236
$300,000,000 give-away to foreign company, 18
$800,000,000 arms-length deal by Harper, 124
$1,100,000,000 approved but withheld from Veterans, 67
$4,000,000,000 loaned and missing, 37
Abortion pill approval, 17
Above the law, using Parliamentary Privilege, 124
Access to Information not reformed, as promised, 239
Access to Information not reformed, as promised, 239
Activists, spied on by Harper, 167
Afghanistan prisoner torture, 190
AG slams Harper for inhumane treatment of Vets, 55
Aglukkaq, heckles call for M&MIW Inquiry, 186
Aglukkaq, ignores starving people debate, 29
Alberta NDP a disaster, per Harper, 135
Alexander, Chris, CON MP, 142
Alligator tears in Commons, Calandra, 213
Anti-abortionist privileges on Hill, 17
Archives destruction, 9
Arms-length favouritism by Harper on contracts, 124
Arms-length Harper spy, 167
Arms Trade Treaty, UN, Harper refused to sign, 229
Attack ads, 103
Attack on democracy, 197
Attacked Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, 209
Attacks Women's rights, 172
Attawapiskat, State of Emergency, ignored, 220
Australian case study destroys Harper's governance, 54
Bank deregulation, on Harper's wish list, 249
Bashar al-Assad, 151
Bees, threatens naturalist group trying to save them, 109
Big Oil threatens Canadians, 179
Bigotry, 86, 122, 153, 246
Bitumen/tar/cancerous/transport danger, 110
Black Holes: secret regional Cabinet offices, 200
Black out of media, Harper-ordered, 196
Blocked investigation of Afghanistan prisoner torture, 190
Blocked PMO staff testimony at Committees, 181
Bloomberg Report: Harper says to hell with Obama, 133
Blows $1,700,000,000 on one plane, 14
Bonus programme to screw Vets out of services, 23
Border Account, 152
Bribery, 177
Bullying, 2, 3, 16, 27, 28, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 93, 100, 121, 130, 195, 209, 210, 211, 225
Butt, CON MP Brad, lied in House of Commons, 207
Calandra, Paul, theft & death threat record, 192
Canada Post, Harper selling off, per Wikileaks, 111
Canada: suffering from Harper's militarism, 75
Canada: now worst climate change country, 68, 81
Canada's embarrassment to Rest of World: Harper, 201
Canada's Press, controlled by Harper, 217
Canada's risk of bombing innocents high, 127
Canadian Judiciary in Harper's crosshairs, 211
Canadians personal tax info leaked by Harper, 60
Canadians personal medical records leaked to USA, 61
Cancer-causing Chinese flooring allowed in Canada, 146
Capitalism, Harper says it will cure World Poverty, 223
Carbon Bubble Theory, 123
Carney, Mark, Tar Sands warning, 123
Carson, Bruce, 236
Carson, Bruce, 236
CBC, Harper selling off, per Wikileaks, 111
Cheater, Harper, 76
Child Poverty under Harper much worse, 57
China, persecuting Christians, 7
Chretien, Jean, Former PM, 105
Class Action against Harper Gov't by soldiers, 176
Clement, Tony, CON MP, 152, 191
Climate change, 68, 81
Climate Villain, Harper named World's Worse, 21
Collapse of Canadian journalism under Harper, 128
Collecting Canadians' metadata, Harper lied, 221
Communications Security Establishment, 221
Communism in Hong Kong supported by Harper, 147
Conflict of interest, 95
Confuse Canadians about War in Iraq, 166
CON MPs drink Ontario-banned wine in Ottawa, 154
CONs use secret recording device on LPC Candidate, 56
Contempt for Canadian Press, 214
Contempt of Parliament, 1st time in history, 174
Control freak: Harper, 174, 181, 195, 219, 225, 230, 232
Control of Backbenchers, 225, 242
Control of Caucus, 219,
Control of CON MPs, 242
Control of Courts, 230
Control of CON MPs, 242
Control of Courts, 230
Control of Parliamentary Budget Office, 178
Control of PMO staff, 181
Control of press, 107
Control of RCMP, 175, 230, 232
Co-op housing subsidies cancelled, 74
Copenhagen Accord, 132
Copyright law, cancel so Harper can steal material, 129
Cynicism, Harper, 97
READ MORE: http://harperfactchecker.blogspot.ca/
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