This is an excellent infomative letter written by a Canadian in my riding of Grey Bruce Owen Sound unfortunately our local newspaper tends not to publish informative letters so PLEASE share widely..: )
"You know you have hit the big time in the newspaper world when the likes of Heather Mallick and Tim Harper, both renowned journalists, do an article on you. Then again when one article uses you as comic relief and the other calls your remark a “bozo eruption”, I would think you would be having a bad hair day. Those two articles were in reaction to the recent thoughtless remark from our MP, Larry Miller, “stay the hell where you came from”. Such admirable use of the King’s English from a Canadian politician. Do not worry, people of Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, if you cannot laugh at this recent gaffe by Larry Miller. The rest of Canada is not only laughing at Miller but at our riding in general because people here voted him in. Then again this is not the first time he has made himself or this area look foolish.
And by the way Mr. Miller, “the lady” does have a name that being Zunera Ishaq. Yes she is a Muslim, she is also a mother, university educated, believes the environment needs saving, does volunteer work at women’s shelters, for political candidates and at schools. She has willingly taken off her Niqab for security and identity reasons whenever required. She said she will take off her Niqab before the oath ceremony so she can properly identify herself. Everyone understand/educate yourself, she does not have to take it off for the actual ceremonial taking of the oath. That is the law of Canada as has been ruled by a Federal judge. The law allows her to keep it on during that part of the ceremony. She is not doing this on a whim, she is not flaunting a law, she is not being obstinate. She is obeying the law which Larry has conveniently not stated to bolster his and Harper’s personal vendetta on this subject. So lets stop blaming her for all of this. Or has this become a Conservative witch hunt. I do not know about you but I am weary of half truth and innuendoes from Harper, his MPs and his PMO staff. Truth and transparency? Not under this government.
To use a very well worn Harper government phrase “let me be clear.” If Larry Miller and his ilk do not like the law then they should change the law. After all he is a member of the Canadian Federal government and belongs to a party that has a majority in our House of Commons. Stop using profanity because it only demeans the person who uses it. Help write a creditable law that does not violate the Charter of Rights or the Constitution of Canada. Is that not part of your job? That would be far more productive than using gutter language. And if you and your party are not going to rewrite the law then put a sock in your mouths and give it a rest.
Harper, Miller and all the Conservative caucus members need to govern according to the laws of Canada and stop trying to be the fashion police. Get back to the prime problem facing Canadians, which is to fix our screwed up, failed economy. Stop wasting millions of our tax dollars on ads telling us how great the Conservatives and Harper are. No Canadian with an ounce of grey matter believes it anymore."
Richard Hutchison.
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