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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

States fight Trump's attempts to gather voters personal data

Are you paying attention to Donald Trump’s recently formed “election integrity commission”? You should because this group has sent a letter to officials in every state requesting the private information of voters. When asked the purpose of the request during an interview with the Kansas City Star, Vice-Chair Kris Kobach vaguely said he wanted to “quantify different forms of voter fraud and registration fraud and offer solutions." That's a reference to Trump’s unfounded claims of rampant voter fraud. Luckily, the dubious legality of the request has caused 11 states to raise concerns and another 13 to refuse to comply. Several Democratic congressmen have criticized the request for falsely legitimizing Trump’s unproven statements that millions of fraudulent votes were cast in the last election.
But the consequences of the Trump administration gaining access to the personal information of millions could have even more serious consequences. Several members of the commission have track records of supporting voter ID laws and voter purge lists that have been proven to disproportionately suppress voters in poorer neighborhoods and communities of color.

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