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Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Canada - My Vision

I was born near the end of World War II and while too young to really understand the great Wars and the Korean War I remember the warriors and the hero's who fought, and died for my freedom and Europe's.

Canada was still in its infancy then and I had the privilege of growing up in an era of compassion for those less fortunate than we. Canada became a refuge for the oppressed and a safe haven for those opposed to war. As a country we were instrumental in brokering peace and stability around the World.

I saw the implementation of the much needed Canada Pension Plan and witnessed its true benefit through my grandmother and grandfather. It was a well thought out program that was extended to working men and women who devoted their lives to their children, their work and to their country.

In the sixties I benefited from the newly implemented Health care system, my parents had no financial resources to pay for a hospital stay and when I was diagnosed with severe blood poisoning and required surgery I received the same care as the wealthy of the time would have.

"Long, long ago in a time before Harper in a country known as Canada there was compassion and understanding where the warriors and citizens were treated with dignity and respect and they were a happy time where the people prospered and rejoiced and the World envied this country called Canada ... alas this dream country has been ruled by the evil one .... but there is hope and in 2015 the people shall rise up and take back "Our Canada"

Neither the CPP or Health care were without controversy, both had their opponents but if the truth were told they both have extended the life expectancy of Canadians.

Unity and balance of services across Canada is of the utmost importance and it is incumbent upon the Federal government to provide that balance so that all Canadians, regardless of their status in life, can benefit equally.

I would like to see a return to the days of compassion when Canada opened its door to immigrants without making them indentured slaves to corporations such as is happening with the Temporary Foreign Workers program or where the newly landed immigrants are refused medical assistance by the Federal government.

For a country to introduce and run programs they must have money, that money comes in the form of taxation, without taxation only the corporations and the wealthy will prosper.

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