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Monday, February 4, 2013

Transparency = Harper speak for Bulls#!t

Stephen Harper ran on a platform of transparency, so far he has had documents redacted to conceal his actions claiming it was to protect the our forces or that the information was not in the public interest. He and his ministers have blantantly concealed the truth on everything from Afghanistan, the F-35 through to the Nexen deal.

He set up the office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) to monitor spending then he kept needed data from the PBO in an attempt to conceal his actions. Since appointing Kevin Page, the only truly independent and honest Canadian in the House,  the Conservatives have belittled and demeaned him. Despite their attacks Kevin page has held his head high and served the Canadian people and not been a puppet to Stephen Harper.

If Stephen Harpe4r and the Conservatives truly want to serve the people with honesty and integrity they would legislate the PBO so that it would answer to parliament.

After five years of providing senators and members of Parliament with independent analysis on the state of the nation's finances, the federal spending watchdog says the system of checks and balances is "broken."
(In an interview airing Saturday on CBC Radio's The House, Kevin Page, the parliamentary budget officer (PBO), told host Evan Solomon the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer will never truly be independent until it reports directly to Parliament.

"The legislation is flawed," said Page, who was appointed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper as Canada's first parliamentary budget officer for a five-year term.)

Kevin Page's appointment is coming to an end and you can be sure that, like the Speaker of the House, Senators and other Harper appointees the new PBO will be a spineless coward at the the Prime Ministers beckon call.

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