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Monday, November 5, 2012

Spook University - Conservative paranoia

Knowing of your interest in our national security apparatus
I thought you might wish to scan a recent article by Dr. Monia Mazigh published in Rabble.

Recent reports in the media indicate that Canada is in the process of building a mega complex for the Communication Security Establishment (CSE), the agency that spies on communications originating oversees including phone calls (there is still ambiguity as to whether CSE is now spying on domestic communications involving Canadian citizens), Internet activities and other electronic communications. It is estimated that the facility will cost up to $880-million. We are told up to 1800 employees will be working there.

Thanks Ed

How interesting, 488 thousand plus dollars per work station, to build a spook centre to spy on Canadians, never mind the annual operating costs. Wow! And the gun registry was touted to be a waste of tax payer dollars. Are we really that paranoid Canada or are the hate mongering Conservatives winning the war on the destruction of Canadian respect and honour?

Think Dr. Mazigh is exagerating.... here is the link to spook central

For the record, this is a Federal government project, I have been involved in construction most of my adult life ( projects I have been involved with are Bank of Canada Ottawa, Federal buildings Hull Quebec, Montreal Olympics etc.) and can assure you this project will, like all other Federal projects, come in over budget at about 1.2 to 1.3 billion dollars ... that is your tax dollars being spent to spy on you.....

but there is no money for our injured veterans, seniors or medicare

The Maher Arar story - husband of Dr. Monia Mazigh

Arar was detained during a layover at John F. Kennedy International Airport in September 2002 on his way home to Canada from a family vacation in Tunis. He was held without charges in solitary confinement in the United States for nearly two weeks, questioned, and denied meaningful access to a lawyer. The US government suspected him of being a member of Al Qaeda and deported him, not to Canada, his current home, but to his native Syria, even though its government is known to use torture.[6] He was detained in Syria for almost a year, during which time he was tortured, according to the findings of acommission of inquiry ordered by the Canadian government, until his release to Canada. The Syrian government later stated that Arar was "completely innocent."[7][8] That Canadian commission publicly cleared Arar of any links to terrorism, and the government of Canada later settled out of court with Arar. He received C$10.5 million and prime minister Stephen Harper formally apologized to Arar for Canada's role in his "terrible ordeal".[9][10]

If you are wondering why America and Canada do not attack Assad just read between the lines of the Maher Arar story and you will realize that Syria, and Assad, provided a service to the CIA. Yes you dupes, we, as in you and I, owe Assad. Remember Canada when it was convenient you looked the other way .... despite what Jason Kenney tries to tell you, immigrants will always be targets under a Conservative government.

Think about it.... the purpose of this cladestine department is to monitor YOUR overseas conversations regardless of how innocent they may be but think people, just one wrong word or perceived word whether valid or not will make you a target of the Canadian Gestapo .... enjoy the Conservative Centre for Human Distrust .....

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