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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I am discusted and heart broken by this governments handling of our vetrans

As a French Protestant born and brought up in the Province of Quebec I have always been impressed and humbled by a WW1 photo of my grand uncle in the family album, a note scribbled below reads "une Brave". Even though my grandfather and father were in the service it is this one photo that lingers in my memory.

Stephen Harper and the Conservatives claim to support our servicemen however the evidence is to the contrary. I fail to see the value to cheating our veterans of their well deserved rewards.

I get the feeling that Stephen Harper and the Conservatives are offended by the fact that some of our "Brave soldiers" failed to die on the fields of Kandahar and had the nerve to come home injured or incapacitated only to cost him money.... it is not his money it is Canadians money ..... and we, Canadians, want the best for our "Brave combatants".

Bull$#!T Stevie

Why do we have a decorated veteran refusing to wear his medals on Remembrance day? If the veterans had full support we would not see this protest.... come on Canada speak up and stop the abuse of our Hero's

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