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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Canadians biggest fear - Republican's moving to Canada

It seems to me that with all the rhetoric about disgruntled American's wanting to move to Canada that these people seem to forget that.....

We have Medicare .... or is that why you want to come here so you can get out from under the burden of paying private insurance companies between 800 dollars and 1500 dollars per month. You seem to forget that even if the company picks up the larger portion of the insurance the company has to recover that expense.... so it is built into the product cost.

We have gun control.... yes you trigger happy folks will have to sell your hand gun on the black market before moving here.

We have same sex marriage.... are you coming out of the closet?

We have legalized abortion..... no backroom coat hanger abortions for our women.

We have temporary worker laws..... that allow Chinese and Mexican immigrants to come to Canada on temporary visas to take Canadian workers jobs for less than minimum wage. These workers pay companies in their home country thousands of dollars for the privilege of coming to Canada to get abused.

And the best reason of all to stay in America
our liquor prices are 2-1/2 to 3 times the price of yours

On Sale Now 1.75 litre only $65.00

Save Now 28 x 341 ml bottles $42.95 

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