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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Risk factors

What Causes The Most Car Accidents  ???

 Not mobile phones........
Not the radio.........
Not the Sat Nav monitor......
Not talking.............
Not texting..............
Not watching a car video.......
Not changing a CD.......

The most frequent causes of car accidents
in the world are caused by:

Thanks Norman...... Based on experience I have to agree.....

Back in '76... that's 1976.... I was sent down to Nova Scotia to straighten out the branch office of G&H Steel. The company rented me a car from Budget while I was there.

I had a young fellow doing odd jobs around the plant. One day I was really desperate for a driver and car to pick up drawings in downtown Halifax. I summoned the young fellow to my office and assigned him the task. He says " but I'm not old enough to drive a rental".... wise fellow that he is.... so I respond " don't worry, its one time and I won't tell anyone".

Ah! How foolish we Quebecers can be when pressed for time.

The youngster returns about an hour later with drawings in hand and a terrified look on his face.... "What's the problem", I ask? "I had an accident ", says he..... "What happened" I ask?

"Well it's a beautiful day and I was driving in downtown Halifax and I was looking at all the beautiful women. Suddenly there was a crash.... I hit the back of a CN truck". So I ask him if there was much damage and he says "No, none to the truck, we were both moving at the time but your car has some damage"

"Lets have a look" I say. Oh S#!T both head lights are smashed and the hood is bent straight across where the bumper bar of the truck was hit.

So I call Budget and tell the manager I have a problem with the headlights, both of them are out. He tells me just to drop in and he will fix them right away.

Off we go to the rental yard and I back the car in so the manager doesn't see it right away.... I'm hoping he will just give me another car.... but no, he is hell bent on installing two new lights. He grabs two new beams and a screw driver and out we go... as he comes around the front he stops, looks and breaks out laughing... "no wonder they don't f#@%ing work", says he.

"Come on in I'll give you another vehicle"

Damn I love Maritimers and their laid back attitude....

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