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Friday, November 21, 2014

Do Conservatives live in a cave?

Ted Chartrand

 JUSTIN TRUDEAU'S JUDGEMENT: There are some Tories questioning Justin Trudeau's judgment in suspending two MP's over alleged harassment. Really? Let's just do a quick off-the-top-of-the-head tally on Harper's judgement:

-Helena Guergis booted from caucus and party despite being cleared by RCMP

 -Arthur Porter appointed to chair SIRC and charged with fraud...

 -Bruce Carson from PMO charged with fraud

 -Duffy appointed to Senate and facing 31 charges including fraud

 -Patrick Brazeau facing multiple charges and booted from Senate

-Peter Penashewe resigns seat due to Election Act contraventions

 -Dean Del Mastro convicted of Elections Act contraventions

 -Pamela Wallin booted from Senate over allegations of wrong doing

 -Conservative Party pleads guilty to Elections Act offences (In and out scandal)

That's the short list. I know I'm missing some. So, you wanna talk about Trudeau's judgement? Let's go.


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