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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Yet another well thought out Conservative program

With only 7.4% unemployment in Canada and thousands of others that have given up searching while others claim self employment because the job market is poor. In their usual incompetant manner the Conservatives decided that there is a shortage of skilled workers and have opened the door to temporary foreign workers  .... "say what"?

"It is clear to our government that there are some problems with the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. We take these very seriously and are currently reviewing the program. Litigation could impede this work and lead to court battles rather than a genuine fix."

The litigation the minister referred to was an application by a group of B.C. labour unions for a Federal Court injunction to block permits for Chinese miners to work on the Murray River coal mine near Tumbler Ridge, B.C.

Minister Finley says it is clear to the government.... that's a first .... nothing has been clear before and nothing is thought out in advance with this government.....

One of the contentious issues was a reference in online job postings for the project that knowledge of Mandarin would be an asset for applicants, effectively excluding most Canadian miners. An HD spokesperson later said the language requirement was posted in error, the Globe and Mail reported.

Critics also pointed to the demand that job applicants pay thousands of dollars recruitment fees — illegal in B.C. — as evidence the program wasn't properly regulated.

Of course we also have the potential for abuse of foreign workers.....

Canada's iconic coffee shop and it's franchisee are sued for "Human rights abuses" .... this government is out of control with their hair brained programs. This is not the first time Minister Finley has had to backtrack but like everything else they do the program will be buried in oblivion and never truly rectified.

Critics also pointed to the demand that job applicants pay thousands of dollars recruitment fees — illegal in B.C. — as evidence the program wasn't properly regulated.

Postmedia News reported the Murray River project is one of four proposed by a consortium of Chinese companies working with Canadian Dehua that could provided jobs for between 1,600 and almost 2,000 Chinese workers.

I guess this is what the Conservatives mean by "net benefit to Canadians"

"Trusting the government to this point has been a failure," Lee Loftus of International Union of Operating Engineers Local 114 and the Construction and Specialized Workers Union Local 1611, told The Tyee.

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