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Thursday, November 8, 2012

The "Scarecrow" does it again

Keep an eye on the East Canada, there must be a miracle occurring in the Parliament buildings, we finally have a Conservative with some sign of common sense and a set of "balls". James Bezan, Chair of the House of Commons national defense committee is the first Conservative to come out of the closet and speak like a true Canadian.

He is speaking out against the NEXEN deal'

While Stephen Harper is running around the World making clandestine deals to sell weapons grade uranium to China and India, two countries who historically don't like each other, Bezan says what Canadians from coast to coast are thinking.

In the meantime Harper is running around "helter skelter" with no strategic plan and no one to rein him in. I am surprised that there has been no reaction from America or Pakistan on the India deal to sell nuclear reactors and cake. In my opinion Harper is being totally irresponsible, it is like selling butcher knives to Charles Manson, so he can brag about what he did for Canada's economy while ignoring the potential of nuclear war.

India has never signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons or the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty.

So the Canada-India deal is a watershed moment in the nuclear movement that goes beyond simply bilateral trade, say experts.

Even if Canadian uranium never makes it near a weapons facility, our exports will still free up India's domestic supply, said Cesar Jaramillo, a nuclear disarmament expert with Project Ploughshares.

"India requires uranium for both its civilian and military nuclear programs and, since it is generally in short supply domestically, the uranium imported for civilian needs may allow the country to allocate more of its domestic holdings for the military," Jaramillo said in an email.

It seems the "Scarecrow" is still in search of a brain

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