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Friday, November 9, 2012

How can you trust Harper??

I am starting to worry about my political allegiance. I am not a follower of Mulcair and the NDP nor Bob Trudeau or is it Justin Rae of the Liberals, just can't get on that band wagon either..... I like Elizabeth May of the Greens but know that they have no hope right now

The Progressive Conservatives no longer exist, Stephen Harper made sure that he removed any semblance of progressive from his anti-unity party. They now are hell bent on destroying Canadian pride and honour.

So why am I writing this..... because the "Scarecrow" Harper is trying to put down the NDP on their carbon tax stand..... when the rest of the World is supporting some form of carbon tax or another....

I am not defending the NDP but supporting "carbon tax". Prime Minister Harper is a former promoter of a type of carbon tax program.... now he is a carbon tax denier

Perhaps Harper and his puppets could learn something from this site .... .... if they need help reading it we could get George W. Bush to read to them... 

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