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Saturday, July 7, 2012

That explains ALOT - Tomorrow before a Holiday~

July’s full moon names and observing notes 2012
This month’s full moon is most commonly known as the Summer Moon. It is also known as the Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Hay Moon, and Mead Moon. Mead, I learned, is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey and water. If you care to make some you can go here. To the Lakota Sioux it was known as the Moon when Cherries are Ripe. The Pima called it Moon of Giant Cactus.
July comes from the Latin word Julius. Originally the roman month for July was Quintilis It was renamed to Julius after Julius Caesar, his birth month, shortly before his death.
Technically the full moon is only a moment in time. That moment occurs at 12:53pm MDT on Tuesday, July 3 for Aurora, Colorado.
The Moon will look full on the evenings July 2, July 3, and July 4. So which is closest to the true full moon? Fortunately there is an easy way for the casual observer to tell which is which. A full moon always rises opposite the setting Sun. The Moon that rises within a half hour of sunset is the full moon. If the Moon is well above the horizon or has not risen until well after (greater than a half hour) sunset, it is not a full moon even though it looks like one. Let’s test it this month for Aurora CO.
Thanks Marty..... posted slightly late but interesting none the less

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