The NDP are questioning the rights of bulls everywhere saying that it is cruel and unusual to remove and sell Rockie Mountain Oysters.
The male members of the NDP Caucus sat cross legged throughout question period. They could be seen avoiding any contact with the Minister responsible outside the Commons.
The Harper Government Minister assured the house that she, personally participated in the extraction of Oysters from a standing bull with no outward signs of discomfort. She is confident that the system is both sanitary and painless saying she felt nothing.
In a statement outside the Commons the Harper Minister stated that she was unaware that extraction was performed using only the teeth however she rather enjoyed the experience.
The Liberals, on the other hand, accused the PMO of misrepresenting the financial impact of Bill NUT-S2U. While they had no problem with the cost to taxpayers they felt the return on investment was overstated.
Outside the Commons the Liberal MP stated that Bill NUT-S2U left a bad taste in his mouth.
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