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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Canada Fit in or F#@% Off

Hi again from the west. A friend of mine sent me a picture of a Canadian flag with the words "Canada, Fit in, or f#@% off" stitched on it. Sure wish I could find where they sell them. I would buy a couple of hundred and hand them out at the airport. God, I love this country, and I hate what ALL the elected a**holes do to it in the name of humanity; be it PC. LIB or, God forbid, NDP. Have a nice day, Pete.
By Pete from Medicine hat on Entitlement at 3:17 AM

Thanks "Pissed off Pete".... my sentiments exactly and I am sure it is that of all True Canadians. Unfortunately many of us prefer to remain in the background, afraid to offend those who seek "citizenship of convenience" and want to change our society to one they ran away from. While I have the Canadian flag to which you refer I think I will defer from posting it...... my grandkids read my blog from time to time and I would hate for my daughter-in-law to send me to the penalty box..... right Tracy?

Hang on Pete.... what the hell are you doing up at 3:17 am ..... are you a hooker????

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bob. Sorry to drop the F-bomb on you, and I don't blame you for editing it. I'm not really good on a computer. As for the 3:17 post; I know that you peop;e in Ontario think the world revolves around you, but here is a news flash. There is a time difference in different parts of Canada. They are called time zones. We are 2 hours behind you, (insert your joke here) so it was only 1:17 am. Thanks Pete P.S. What do you know about hookers work hours?
