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Monday, June 22, 2015

Stephen Harper has a vile contempt for the Canadian people and the Canadian Constitution.

In the vernacular of today's youth "Stephen Harper is dissing the working class Canadian".

The phrase "to diss" was coined in the "projects of America" and picked up by youth of all walks of life to describe a person who shows them or others disrespect. Stephen Harper in his perverted mind has ignored the working class and implemented the corporate theology of trickle down economics.

Unfortunately Stephen Harper and the Conservatives, like the Republican Tea Party, are dinosaurs where trickle down economics are concerned. The EU is already realizing that it is bullshit orchestrated by the wealthy intended to control the working class, lower middle class standards and increase corporate profits.

Prior to the 2006 election the Liberal party of Jean Cretien had created a balanced budget and actually had a surplus however they also had scandals of their own and were in disarray, the voters were angry and soon fell victim to the promise of change, the promise of accountability and integrity from Stephen Harper.

That was not to be. Instead Canadians got even more corruption, more secrecy and less accountability than ever in the history of Canadian politics.

- Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party have plead guilty to Electoral impropriety for in and out funding of candidates.

- Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party were found to be in contempt of parliament, not once but twice. A feat no other Prime Minister in Canadian history had accomplished even once.

- Stephen Harper said he would not stack the Senate then proceeded to fill it with people that had no integrity, no scruples and no spine.

- Access to information has been stymied while MP's stand in the HoC and chatter on about nothing rather than answer the opposition with some civility. Democracy is at its lowest ebb under the Harper Regime.

The list of transgressions orchestrated by Stephen Harper and carried out by his Conservative barking seal caucus is so egregious that he and the party should face the courts rather than the voter. But that won’t happen. Stephen Harper has ensured the loyalty of Canada’s National Police by enacting laws to protect them from criminal acts that they have committed in his name.

Sadly he has enacted laws to stifle and criminalize descent. Organizations that speak out against his actions have been targeted by the Canada Revenue Agency with threats of losing their status because of their political views.

My actions and comments here on the blog can and may well be construed as being a criminal act under Stephen Harper’s latest anti-terrorist bill (C-51) as can those who oppose pipelines or his scorched earth policies.

The only recourse voters have is to organize and vote, but even the electoral system has been tampered with in an attempt to prevent the people from exercising their right to free and open elections.

Over the next several months we will be hearing from the various opposition parties what they can do for Canada and what the Harper thugs have NOT done for Canadians.

What to believe? What to believe?

There is only one truth. Stephen Harper is not in politics for Canadians.

The trickle down economics touted by Conservatives and Republicans around the World are a corporate idea that is designed to fill the pockets of the 5 % while controlling and lowering the standards of the other 95%.

Take a long hard look at all the MP’s who were close to Stephen Harper and have either left politics or will not be running in the 2015 election most have accepted corporate posts within organizations that sponsored the Conservative Party or benefited from the CPC legislation. The obvious conclusion would be that the appointments are payback for services rendered since few, if any, are qualified for their appointed functions.

The Harper governments “Economic Action Plan” has been a total failure, more money has been spent advertising the program than invested in the program.

Money’s promised by Harper to date are amortized over 5, 10 and 20 years.

The latest ‘Omnibus Budget” is yet another political ploy intended to misdirect and garner votes from those who do not realize that once the election is called all bills and promises die in the House of Commons.

Stephen Harper and the CPC will campaign on those bills and promises telling voters that if you vote CPC the promises will become a reality…. But will they?…. Would Stephen Harper lie just to get your vote?

He lied to you in the 2006 election promising accountability. He lied to you in the 2008 election saying the economic crash would not hurt Canadians. He lied again in 2011 claiming to eliminate the deficit and did however he increased Canada's National debt to the highest in history.

So who do you vote for?

The only constant here is that we, as concerned citizens, do NOT vote Conservative.

I have not decided myself and suggest you do not decide until you see which way the wind blows. Follow the polls, both national and local. Talk to and listen to your friends, acquaintances and co-workers. But most of all stay involved and plan to vote.

Stephen Harper is hoping you are too lazy to vote. Prove him wrong. Hold your nose and vote for the candidate most likely to beat the Conservative in your riding.

Stephen Harper's Perps with Perks


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