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Monday, April 18, 2016

Canadians were promised "A Paler Shade of Blue"

When Rona Ambrose was nominated interim leader of the CPC she promised Canadians that there would be a kinder, gentler style of politics in the House of Commons from her party.... what Canadians have gotten is the same old ugly politics.

House cleaning day on Parliament Hill was October 19th, 2015 however there is still dirt on the floor.

The disrespectful acts continue, constant attempts to disrupt question period continue and the childish actions continue. Many of the abuses are not caught on camera as the rules do not allow panning of the benches and therefore taunting and gestures go unseen by Canadians.

The opposition is supposed to keep the government accountable not politicize question period and pander to their base. It is their responsibility to question, to demand answers but not to disrupt the House with ridiculous actions.

Sadly the Conservative Party of Canada is suffering from amnesia, they have forgotten that it was their illustrious leader who brokered the Saudi Arms deal. It was their illustrious leader who sold off the Canadian Wheat Board to the Saudi's rather than selling to a cooperative of Canadian farmers. It was their illustrious leader who cut the GST by 2 percentage points and starved Canada's revenues. It was their illustrious leader who lowered corporate tax rates telling Canadians that it would be good for the economy and create jobs.

None of their actions helped the economy and none of their actions created real jobs it did, however, put billions of dollars into the pockets of corporations, shareholders and CEO's. Yes, my fellow Canadians those multi million dollar bonuses paid to CEO's are directly related to the actions of the CPC.

No government is perfect but some are worse than others. The philosophy of trickle down economics and free trade deals is nothing more than corporate speak for increasing profits while holding back the working class. 

The cancellation of the "per vote subsidy" to a party was intended to destroy the CPC's opposition by starving their revenues but all it accomplished was to increase the need to raise electoral dollars through corporate fundraisers which as we all know makes a government accountable to the corporations and not to the voter.

The Conservative Party of Canada has thrown Canadian politics into the sewer of Republican style fund raising and given lobbyists free reins to influence the ruling party at the behest of corporations.

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