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Saturday, May 16, 2015

I received this comment on an older post of Bowser and Blue - The colonoscopy Song

Nice post ..I am colon cancer treatment from CSCS
My reply
Thank You for your comment Anna, Bowser and blue are Canadian Satire Comic singers who take up a variety of issues and add a touch of light humour.

In my own personal experience we have to have a sense of the ridiculous when having a procedure that is otherwise humiliating.

The diagnostic Doctor who performed my colonoscopy had a South Asian name that was about 20 letters long, what I did not expect from him was quick wit.

As was my usual way I and a friend were being our childish selves while awaiting my 'procedure".

I had been told that I would be given a sedative. Fine, so I'm not to drive and in my mind I will be put to sleep for the "procedure". I have an upper and lower plate so was concerned and asked the nurse if I should remove them.

She says, "Not now, ask the Doctor"

Off we go to be scoped, I hop up on the bed and in comes the doctor. He explains the procedure and tells me I can watch on the screen as the scope proceeds through my colon. Great I'm not going to sleep;

"Any questions, Mr. Hawkins"?

Me... "Should I remove my false teeth"?

Dr.... " That's OK Mr. Hawkins we won't be going up that far today"

The room erupted in laughter and one nurse said "I can't believe he said that"

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