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Friday, May 29, 2015

On the record

Many of you who follow my blog feel that I am wasting my time with my rants and anti Harper rhetoric while others think I'm wrong but every once in a while something happens to confirm to me that I am on the right side and those that disagree with me have lost all hope.

That being said, the blog gets much attention from people in the House of Commons, RCMP, National Defense as well as "Gazebo" Tony Clements freaks at GTIS.

As I have said in the past I have 3 tracking programs that compile data on who visits the site, the only ones of interest to me are the trolls in the Federal Government who report back to their Emperor, Stephen "The Psychotic" Harper.

I have been compiling a list of all these trolls and have sent them off to all the Federal leaders with the exception of he who thinks he is Emperor of Canada.

I also have been emailing Senators and MP's on all sides expressing my disappointment in how this government has failed the people.

After 9 years of governance Stephen Harper is still not ready.

Sadly I don't often get responses, particularly from conservatives, but I'm good with that. Conservatives are not interested in anyone who gives them facts.

Then there are those who respond to everyone.....

 Today at 3:29 PM 

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