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Saturday, February 14, 2015

The anti-Christ is dead

When I turned on my laptop this morning, Friday the 13th 2015, there was a resounding cheer from left of centre Canadians, Sun News was dead. While I would love to celebrate this wonderful news I learned years ago that one should not chant “Nah, nah, nah, nah…. Nah, nah, nah, nah.. Hey, hey Goodbye” when Toronto Maple Leafs have a two goal lead in the dying seconds of the game.

Sun News Network and the paper of the same name are/were known as rags, media outlets that sold their product by sensationalizing or misleading the reader and viewer. The paper has since been sold, I assume to help the former owner in his political aspirations to destroy Canada by working with the Parti Quebecquois while the News Network was allowed to fail in order to stop the financial bleeding.

Canadians should be very wary of the failure of SNN and remember how controversial and manipulative the CRTC application was handled. Kory Teneycke, Stephen Harper’s mouth piece and strategist was hired by SNN in its fledgling days to help push through the application however public outcry of foul play made the decision makers change plans, Teneyecke resigned, the CRTC approved their license, Teneyecke returned to the fold and Fox North was born.

In my opinion it is too early to celebrate the unemployment of the disciples of the anti-Christ, all this means is that a large Conservative group of very influential and dangerous media people are now looking for work. With Harpers takeover of CBC News Network and his unabashed scheme to change the direction of CBCNN from an unbiased media outlet to one that is politically right wing can now be completed.

Be afraid my fellow Canadians, be very afraid.

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