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Thursday, February 26, 2015

The joke of the New Year!

A dentist pulled out a numbing needle to give a male patient a shot of Novocain. "No way! No needles. I hate needles" said the man. The dentist started to hook up the nitrous oxide and the man objected.  "I can't do the gas thing either. The thought of having the gas mask on, suffocates me!". The dentist then asked the patient if he had any objection to taking a pill. "No objection," said the man. "I'm fine with pills." The dentist then returned and said, "Here's a Viagra." The patient said, "Wow! I didn't know Viagra worked as a pain killer!" "It doesn't" said the dentist, "but it's going to give you something to hold on to when I pull your tooth. 
Thanks Shirl

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