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Saturday, June 29, 2013

I.G.A Supermarket in St. Lambert, Quebec.

Good Morning Bob   ...............   I read with interest and disgust the article that appeared on the Blog this morning and also was plastered  all over the National  and local news sources. This young lady was completely in her rights to stand up for her god given right to speak the language of her choice not only on her work breaks but on the store floor if she is talking to her fellow workers  -  I will bend to the unwritten law that all employees must speak in French first to customers but also there should be at least one person there to converse in English to English customers whatever the business. ................  But I get away from the point I want to make:  Although her intentions were good to up and quit in protest to being treated like a second class citizen, it would have been far more affective to hang in there and force these narrow minded bigots to fire her and anyone else who had the intestinal fortitude to follow her lead. Of course then her next move would be to lay claim to civil rights infringements etc and take them to court and make the biggest fuss possible (maybe this would even get the Federal Government off their asses and start protecting the rights of all Quebec citizens which they haven’t been doing for the last fifty or so years).
The world is becoming a very intolerant place and Quebec is up there with the best of them.

Thanks Win..... we all have a breaking point where we must take a stand and say enough is enough, apparently this young lady reached her limit..... although I have an anglo surname I am a French Protestant. My dad did not speak English until he was 12 and although fluent in both French and English there were certain words that he mispronounced.

I decided to uproot my family despite my mother tongue being French because I feared persecution by Quebecer's and I felt it best for the family and their future.

I love Quebec and the French culture but never felt the loyalty that I feel here in Ontario or that which I felt in New Brunswick. I do however believe we should maintain the higher ground and not retaliate, show loyalty and allegiance to the country as a whole and separatism be damned.

The thing I could never understand was why they wished to be an island lost in an English America. One would be better to learn and become bilingual in Spanish since there are nearly 1 billion Spanish speaking people on this side of the world.

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