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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Taliban - Nothing but Gangsters

The more I read about the Taliban the more I am convinced that they are nothing more than gangsters, organized crime in its lowest form. Organized crime uses intimidation, fear and violence to control people.... so does the Taliban ..... the Taliban leaders live off the people, so do organized gangs.

They attack the innocent who oppose them either with beatings or murder. The wanton shooting of an innocent young lady, Malala Yousufzai, has Muslims and Christians alike rising up and saying "no more". It is time to stop the gangsters from controlling the people.

The Taliban claims that what they do is in the name of Islam however it is my belief that anyone, regardless of religion, who worships a higher being does NOT use force, intimidation, fear and murder to make people follow their doctrine .... only criminals and cowards do that.

There is hope and a future for Malala
There is no hope and no future for the Taliban

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