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Saturday, October 26, 2019

The WEXIT movement cannot be overlooked by the East

There is more to western anger than carbon tax, much, much more. The mainstream media keeps harping on it and the western conservative plays along but the disillusionment with Canadian politics began long before that. In fact it began before Pierre Elliot Trudeau became Prime Minister.

So what is the source of western anger, it's the east, not the people of Ontario and Quebec as much as it is that in the modern era almost every Prime Minister, with the exception of Joe Clark and Stephen Harper have come from the east, Quebec on top of that.

That in a nutshell is the crux of their discontent, they don't get representation. Their anger is directed at Liberals because it is the Liberals who keep nominating a leader from Quebec even Brian Mulroney a conservative came from Montreal.

In 1988 a friend who had relocated from Quebec to Alberta a few years earlier came to visit us at our new home in Ontario, we had a discussion about Alberta alienation and that was one of his major points, he said he now knew why Albertans felt left out. It is not the sole reason but it certainly was the beginning.

We, as a country have a lot of work to do to restore civility to the country as a whole and to Alberta and Saskatchewan. In my opinion Saskatchewan is a soft separatist movement and has joined their friends in Alberta as support for the cause.

Canadian unity is important to us all and I personally understand Alberta's anger, forgive me Saskatchewan I am not ignoring you it is just that the feeling of alienation has been loudest from your neighbor.

The future of Canada is at stake here and tempers, innuendo and misinformation must be put aside and honest dialogue, with some compromise on both sides, can and will resolve our differences.

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