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Thursday, March 7, 2019

The first time I had a colonoscopy.... by Robert Hawkins

As is the normal procedure I was told to bring a driver as I would be given a sedative. In my world that meant I would be put to sleep.

I arrived at Jo Brant with my best friend and as was our habit we were acting like silly little boys, but I was concerned, I have dentures and usually when having a procedure they put them in a cup so that I don’t choke on them.

I asked the nurse if I should take them out “Ask the doctor later”, she says

We go in the room where the procedure will occur and the doctor explains what he will be looking for and that I may feel some discomfort as the camera rounds turns. He also tells me I can watch of the screen. Great, sounds interesting but I am still concerned about my dentures.

“Any questions”?

“Yes, should I take out my dentures” I ask.

“No, that’s OK Mr. H, we aren’t going up that high today” says the doctor

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