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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Dirt Bag Doug Ford gives voters the shaft again

Ford’s Environmental Plan Gives Polluting Corporations a $400 Million Government Handout

Doug Ford’s long-awaited environmental plan leaves Ontario families shortchanged by hundreds of millions of dollars.
Announced yesterday to much fanfare, Ford’s plan focuses on incentivizing polluting businesses to become more environmentally friendly. The program is called The Ontario Carbon Trust and is a $400 million fund handed out to big corporations who reduce their emissions.
The previous Ontario government environmental plan was a cap and trade system which forced corporations to pay for polluting Ontario’s environment. The costs of pollution were born by companies, not Ontario families and the money raised by the program went to services like healthcare and education.
Ford’s decision to cancel cap and trade blew a $3 billion dollar hole in Ontario’s budget. The new plan makes the deficit even worse as it does not collect any money. Instead, it gives taxpayer money directly to corporations rather than punishing them for polluting our rivers, lakes and forests.

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