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Monday, July 30, 2018

Excellent explanation of Fords stupidity on the issue of GHG

Globe editorial: Ontario says it will cut emissions without a carbon tax. But how?

Ontario’s new Progressive Conservative government kept a key election promise on Wednesday when it introduced legislation to kill the province’s cap-and-trade carbon-reduction program. It’s not clear yet when the bill will be passed or how much it will cost, but the point is that Ontario is getting out of the carbon-pricing business.
At the same time, Environment Minister Rod Phillips says the government will set targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and report on the progress it makes. He hasn’t said what mechanisms Ontario will use to lower emissions but, having rejected direct carbon pricing, that basically leaves regulations and subsidies as options.
So what will that mean for Ontarians? Based on the government’s actions to date, it won’t mean subsidies for purchasing electric or hydrogen-powered cars, or rebates for making homes and businesses more energy efficient, or investments in renewable resources such as wind and solar. All of those things exist in Ontario but were funded by the revenues from the doomed cap-and-trade scheme, and the government is cancelling them as a consequence.
The government could instead set sector-specific emission caps for industrial polluters and fine them when they go over their limits. But that is, in essence, what cap-and-trade did, so it would make little sense to recreate a price on carbon in the form of a financial penalty.


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