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Sunday, March 25, 2012

What the hell am I doing????

I actually sat and watched the NDP convention..... WHY???? ... I don't even like the party .....


I have to give the NDP credit for doing an excellent job of promoting the party..... But, is it enough? ..... Not for me, none of the candidates have won me over. I still see inner turmoil between those who want to bring the party to the centre and those of the old guard who want the party to maintain its socialist values.

From a confrontational point of view Mulcair will challenge the Harper government but is he charismatic enough to win over the Canadian voters .... I don't believe so..... You can bet that the Conservatives already have attack ads ready to run and will flood the airwaves. Can Mulcair stand the test? Only time will tell ..... you can be sure however, that he will move the party to the centre.

My biggest disappointment with the candidates who failed is...... when asked by the media "who will you be supporting" ...... not one told the reporters to "F#@% OFF"

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