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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sad but true about us Canadian seniors

As a raise last year, Seniors got 2/5 th of 1% on their Canada Pension and 0% on the Old Age Security 


We're "broke" & can't help our own Seniors, Homeless, Veterans, Orphans, etc. ????? 

This is so pathetically the last month we have provided aid to Haiti , Chile , and Turkey..

Now Pakistan , the same people who will turn around and build the IED's that kill our troops. 

Also another boat load of refugees has arrived from Sri Lanka who will get aid that should go to the CANADIAN people who have worked all their lives to make this the country it is today.

This year, over 8000 refugees that we know have snuck into Canada through ports and airports and all of whom will eventually get various aid from governments. 

Our retired seniors living on fixed income receive no aid while our government and religious organizations pour hundreds of millions of dollars and tons of food to foreign countries. 

We have hundreds of adoptable children who are shoved aside to make room for the adoption of foreign orphans. 

Why are so many CANADIAN citizens, and the CANADIAN government, so star struck they won't provide for our own? 

CANADA: a country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed without eating, elderly going without needed meds, and mentally ill without treatment - yet we have a benefit for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents, clothing, bedding, doctors and medical supplies. 

Imagine if we gave ourselves the same support that we gave all of these other countries. 

I feel bad for them, but I also care about CANADA and our Seniors who developed this great country, only to be forgotten.                                  

Sad isn't it?
Thanks Randy..... but remember you will soon be able to put money in a pooled pension plan with a group of people who may opt out, go bankrupt, lose their job and leave you up the creek. You are better off investing in Tony Clement at least then you'll get a piece of the action.

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