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Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Eye Appointment

Sooo! I went to the eye doctor today. My appointment was for 12:15 PM. Not too early, not too late. My daughter Megan was kind enough to pick me up and drive me there.

We arrived a little early, which was fine. You have to see this place, it is huge, well organized and very efficient. After I checked in I headed to the old boys room to dispose of my morning coffee. Megan decided to do the same.

I came out of the room and Megan was nowhere to be seen so I took a seat in the waiting room facing the facilities. A few minutes pass and out pops Megan, with a hand full of paper towels. I guess she noticed the quizzical look on my face and she looks at me sheepishly and says "My cell phone, it fell in the toilet" I was just about to ask why the hell she was on the phone in the toilet when she said, "It was in my back pocket and when I dropped my drawers it fell out"

Needless to say it was dead.

The purpose of the appointment was to set a date for my cataract surgery so we anticipate that it will take some time since they have to take measurements (I'm having my stigmatism corrected as well).

One of the aids puts drops in my eyes to dialate them. Then I go downstairs for some tests, first vision then to check the extent of deterioration of my AMD (age related macular degeneration). The this technician puts drops in my eyes to freeze them so I won't move or blink. She then does an ultra-sound test.

Now I get to see my doctor, an attractive, tall South Asian with a wonderful personality. She is actually the reason I go for these eye exams. She then sends me to see a councilor who goes through all the information the tells me the cost of the surgery.... yes folks there is a cost.... I have decide to go with the best lense implants  possible since there is nothing they can do for AMD and the upgraded lenses will be a help. I hope... since it is over 1600 dollars per eye....

After the councilor revived me with the defibrillator she sent me off to see another my surgeon, but first I had to have a second vision test where the technician put drops in my eyes to freeze them so that when the doctor flushed my tear ducts I wouldn't feel it. Really?

Then out to the waiting room once again. They finally call me in to see the doctor. This technician comes up, puts more drops in my eyes to freeze them and leaves. The doctor comes in about ten minutes later, picks up a big syringe, sticks the needle in my tear duct and flushes them out, says Merry Christmas and sends me home.... it is now 3:45 .... we arrived home at 4:30 PM .... the time as I type this is 11:10 and I think the freezing has finally come out....

Oh yes! Surgery on the left eye is on the 19th of this month and the right eye will be done on January 16th 2012 .... pretty quick Eh

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