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Friday, September 25, 2020

Physical restraint - what is it?

 Prior to the speech from the throne the Conservative Party of Canada were calling for "physical restraint" in the new budget.

What does that mean to a conservative? Reducing spending. making cuts to essential services, reducing spending to the needy and the handicapped.

But beyond that it means increasing spending top corporations.... why? Because conservatives are indebted to the corporate world, they are corporate managed. It is never about saving the voter money it is all about feeding the rich.

We watched the actions of premiers in Alberta and Ontario in the past as they attempted to destroy medicare, long term care homes and the sell off of asseys. We watched as Stephen Harper tried to futher destroy medicare and transfer payments to the Provinces.

That is physical restraint, that is neo-liberalism.

But worse than tightening spending the conservative movement of today wants to, at least are trying to lower the education standards and intellectual level of citizens THAT in it self should tell you how inept they are to think education equals IQ when in fact the intellectual quotient is NOT a function of education.

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