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Tuesday, August 6, 2019

So its election year and Canadians want

  • medicare - Scheer will cut it
  • Canada Pension Plna - Scheer will reduce it
  • Women want to chose - Scheer threatens that
  • Pharmacare - Scheers puppet masters won;t allow that
  • Environmental protection - Scheer will end that
  • Renewable energy - Scheer will cut that too
Scheers entire platform is one of "take away from the voter" give to corporations and the wealthy.

There are three other primary choices....

  • Green - there is a ripple but that is all there is
  • NDP - no orange wave - they spent the past 4 years supporting the CPC
  • Liberals - they have spent the past 4 years repairing the damage created by Stephen Harper and the CPC.

They have given the country back its pride and its former glory. they bring Canadians the best possible balance between the social programs we want and need while working with corporations to help the GDP grow.

Are they perfect? Hell no. Have they met every promise? No, nobody could.

But then what is the alternative? There is none, while they aren't everything to everyone the Liberals have given Canadians, at least the majority of us, hope in the future.

The NDP give us unbelievable promises... Why? Because we have seen it before in Alberta and in Ontario, corporations and banks control promises that overreach and the NDP will buckle, they have in the past and will in the future.

The Green? They are basically CPC light. May was in the Mulroney government and she too supported the CPC occasionally. But as I said above there is only a ripple of hope and she even said she would support a CPC government with a strong environmental plan. What the hell does that mean? Would she sell out seniors or healthcare maybe even womens choice... am I grabbing at straws, maybe, are you willing to gamble?

I play the lottery but I will not gamble with the future of my children and grandchildren.

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