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Friday, May 31, 2019
Know the numbers not the conservative deception
Next time someone says Canada is not a major player in Climate Change. The what-about-ism argument, think of it this way.
Share of global carbon emissions, 2016. (IEA)
China: 28%
US: 15%
India: 6%
Russia: 5%
Japan: 4%
Germany: 2%
South Korea: 2%
Iran: 2%
Canada: 2%
Saudi Arabia: 2%
Brazil: 1%
Mexico: 1%
Australia: 1%
Indonesia: 1%
South Africa: 1%
UK: 1%
Italy: 1%
Turkey: 1%
France: 1%
Poland: 1%
US: 15%
India: 6%
Russia: 5%
Japan: 4%
Germany: 2%
South Korea: 2%
Iran: 2%
Canada: 2%
Saudi Arabia: 2%
Brazil: 1%
Mexico: 1%
Australia: 1%
Indonesia: 1%
South Africa: 1%
UK: 1%
Italy: 1%
Turkey: 1%
France: 1%
Poland: 1%
Consider US & China make up 43%. Of 193 remaining countries, we create 2%. Per capita, we are way up in the list. For example, France is double our pop but half the emissions. Germany has almost 90 million yet they only generate the same amount as us. Japan's population is 128 million which means even they still generate less per person than in Canada.
I believe that in order to make headway on climate change we need to look at emissions on a per-capita basis. As a democracy, we all take responsibility with our vote so we also must share the burden of climate change.
Of note, we create more carbon per-capita than the US and even China. All things being equal, Canada, based on population vs world population would be around 0.005% vs 4%.
These are not fantasy nor fake but rather valid reasons to NOT VOTE for Andrew Scheer
This is quite the list not to vote CON
Tom Whittaker @tpdubya65
Thank you for your question. It is actually easier to lay out why Andrew Scheer is not suitable to be the Prime Minister of Canada. In no particular order here is why :
Thank you for your question. It is actually easier to lay out why Andrew Scheer is not suitable to be the Prime Minister of Canada. In no particular order here is why :
- He will privatize health care
- He will eliminate the CPP
- He will increase the age for OAS to 67
- He will abandon current climate change initiatives and de-regulate environmental protections. He will abandon GHG emissions targets as per the Paris Climate Change Accord
- His economic policy statements made to date will slow economic growth and cause job loss and add to the debt/deficit
- He will cut $55B through budget/service cuts
- direct negative impact on the middle class and low income Canadians. Wealthy will benefit through tax cuts
- He will eliminate the Child and Family Tax Benefit
- He will intervene on education and cut funding to provinces and fund home schooling. He will pull grants to Universities who do not allow free speech on campuses, even if it breaches the law.
- His x country oil pipeline initiative is not feasible.
- He will introduce legislation to criminalize abortion in Canada
- He will repeal Bill C-16 and repeal legislation that allowed gay marriage
- He will loosen gun acquisition/possession regulations
- He will abandon our Veterans and benefits
- He will allow US nuclear testing on Canadian soil
- He will re-engage in military operations in Irag, Iran, and Syria
- He will jeopardize sovereignty issues in the north
- He refuses to disclose campaign donors (like CLC, SNC LAVALIN, oil industry, etc)
- He refuses to engage in debate, interviews.
- He refuses to release a costed campaign platform verified by the PBO
- He wants to run a federal campaign via teleprompter like Doug Ford did
- He will introduce legislation limiting immigration levels and from specific countries of origin
- He will fail on the world stage advancing Canadian issues among the G7 and G20
- He will loosen procurement regulations
My POV.... If you do nothing else this campaign season don't listen to what Andrew Scheer says but rather listen to what he doesn't say. He will be vague with his promises as he has been with his plan to save the environment.... he doesn't have one. The same applies to his budget plan that he refuses to submit in advance because once costed out people will have a vague idea of what trouble we, the working and middle class, are really in.
And there is your key word, VAGUE, Andrew Scheer and his party will be VAGUE rather than factual, negative rather than promising and constantly on the attack with Vague innuendos that are not fact based.
The CPC since introduced under Stephen Harper have brought politics to a new low never before seen in Canada. One need only look south of the 49th parallel to see where their ideas and ideals are festering and being introduced here as Tory ideals
That my friends is totally un-Canadian
A disgusting display of conservative partisanship using the voter as a pawn
As the 2019 federal election approaches we are seeing the ugly side of conservatism from those Provinces who have elected PC governments. Their refusal to work with the Federal Liberal Party is a gamble they are willing to use their constituents to try and help their federal counterpart get elected.
And, if their gamble doesn't work they will still expect the same courtesy from the Liberals.... and they will get it. Why? Because the Liberals are not vindictive and manipulative as the conservatives. Ontario experienced Harpers vindictive first hand and Scheer is nothing more than his clone.
As we sit back and watch Doug Ford, Blaine Higgs and Jason Kenney we see how they truly feel about the voter.
And, if their gamble doesn't work they will still expect the same courtesy from the Liberals.... and they will get it. Why? Because the Liberals are not vindictive and manipulative as the conservatives. Ontario experienced Harpers vindictive first hand and Scheer is nothing more than his clone.
As we sit back and watch Doug Ford, Blaine Higgs and Jason Kenney we see how they truly feel about the voter.
Hon. Blaine Higgs
Premier of New Brunswick
May 23, 2019
Dear Premier,
Catastrophic flooding is now an annual preoccupation for our province and our economy. In order to effectively coordinate our efforts and resources, we need all levels of government to work together.
On May 1 2019, you met with the Federal Finance Minister and requested immediate support to address flood remediation infrastructure. Because of your advocacy, the federal Cabinet made new funding available.
The Fredericton region is unquestionably vulnerable to flooding, and is in urgent need of remediation infrastructure. Following the confirmation of federal funding, I began working with local municipalities to identify priorities for our community.
After consulting with the municipalities, I contacted Minister Jeff Carr on May 16th to establish an open line of communication. Having received no official response to my inquiries, I was disheartened to learn through local media today that Minister Carr views my advocacy on this issue as a political game.
Premier Higgs, the Saint John River does not care about partisan politics. Catastrophic floods will not wait for our provincial and federal election cycles to rise and fall.
Our constituents are counting on our governments to work across partisan lines and meet this issue together. I strongly encourage your government to make this new infrastructure a priority.
Premier Higgs, the federal government acted swiftly upon receiving your request to free up funding for important infrastructure work that can be undertaken before next year’s inevitable flood.
Let’s work together and move this issue forward. It’s what our constituents expect.
Matt DeCourcey, MP
Cc: The Hon. Jeff Carr, Minister of Environment and Local Government
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Beware of andrew Scheer
oronto, ON – Ahead of remarks being given today by Andrew Scheer in Toronto. Liberal M.P. Ahmed Hussen highlighted the economic risk and the dangers of continued divisive rhetoric on immigration from Scheer and his Conservative Party.
“Andrew Scheer has embraced the same sort of extreme right wing anti-immigration rhetoric that has become pervasive among right-wing populist parties around the world,” said Liberal M.P. Ahmed Hussen. “Andrew Scheer has perpetuated false information about global efforts to manage immigration and he even appeared at the same rally where a well-known xenophobic anti-immigration activist spoke.”
“This is more of the same from Andrew Scheer and the Conservative Party that created massive wait times for family reunification and made reckless cuts to immigration and refugee programs that were called cruel and unusual treatment by the Federal Court,” said Hussen. “From stoking fear with snitch lines and cutting refugee health services, to running ads that peddle false information and outright conspiracy theories, Canadians know that Conservative politicians see immigration policy as a way to fear monger and divide Canadians.”
Our Liberal government sees immigration as an important economic policy. Study after study shows that immigration creates jobs, fills labour shortages and grows the economy. That is why we set up important programs like the Global Skills Strategy, the Student Direct Stream, the start-up visa program, Express Entry, the Atlantic Immigration Pilot, the Francophone Welcoming Communities and the Rural and Northern immigration pilot. These programs have brought in thousands of immigrants to fill labour shortages, establish new businesses in Canada and create opportunities for all Canadians. These policies have also made Canada the destination of choice for talented people from around the world as well as those seeking to invest in these talented people. Our plan has allowed for these people to create more jobs for Canadians and continue to grow the economy for years to come.
“After ten years of failed Conservative immigration policy, our Liberal government is restoring confidence in the immigration system by investing in the resources it needs to attract newcomers to our country, shorten wait times and provide fairness and equality for all,” said Hussen. “Canadians don’t want to go back to the old days and old divisive ways of Stephen Harper and that’s what Andrew Sheer has to offer.”
Question: Will the imbeciles in the conservative party prevail or will saner minds succeed
"The bank’s section on climate change in the financial system review discussed both physical issues, such as extreme weather, as well as transition issues, such as sudden policy moves, being triggered by a changing climate. An issue highlighted as a particular concern is the limited understanding of climate-related risks in financial markets. The bank warns that the lack of transparency around carbon exposure – with much of it left up to companies to disclose on a voluntary basis – could lead to mispricing and ultimately increased costs of transitioning to a low-carbon economy.
"The Bank of Canada’s statements bring it in line with other central banks such as the Bank of England and the European Central Bank, which have been increasingly sounding the alarm about the need for the global financial system to properly account for, and disclose, climate risk."
The Bank of Canada declared climate change a financial risk. Now what?
The Dentist from The Carol Burnett Show (full sketch)
Tim Conway Was one of the best - - - Watch "The Dentist from The Carol Burnett Show (full sketch)"
Thanks Ivan
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Scheer - Exerting the Finkelstein Method - read it to understand what the CPC is doing to you
I’m going to lay out the Finkelstein Method strategies so its easily identifiable.
- Finkelstein Method 1. Don’t provide details on policy, it’s unimportant to win. No actionable and measurable plans are required. Just vague policy statements. None of the opposition parties have calculable platform plans. Liberals have a budget.1 reply20 retweets42 likes
- 2. Continuous character assassination of strongest opposition. Other opposition parties encouraged to help. Wittingly or just lust for power is irrelevant. All 3 opposition party leaders are attacking LPC & PM daily. Not opposing policy, personal attacks & false accusations.
The Mission of Saint Francis Xavier stands in solidarity with the Mohawk Peoples of Kahnawake who are going through the process of revealing their pain and suffering experienced in the Indian Day School of Kahnawake, which was administered by the Church and the Government. This is a very painful time for many of the Mohawk Peoples of Kahnawake as they return to these painful moments that were buried in their psyche. As justice takes its course, the Church is ready to give its support to the healing process in whatever little way it can. We remain open to having an honest open discussion in an atmosphere of trust, respect and active listening as we forge a path of spiritual and moral healing for those who have been abused by the members of the Church. It is together, we can overcome the present consequences of the hurdles of the past, and look forward to path of reconciliation and peace in God - the Creator.
Thanks Marc
Kateri Tekakwitha
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha (pronounced [ˈɡaderi deɡaˈɡwita] in Mohawk), given the name Tekakwitha, baptized as Catherine[3][4] and informally known as Lily of the Mohawks (1656 – April 17, 1680), is a Roman Catholic saint who was an Algonquin–Mohawk laywoman. Born in the Mohawk village of Ossernenon, on the south side of the Mohawk River, she contracted smallpox in an epidemic; her family died and her face was scarred. She converted to Roman Catholicism at age nineteen, when she was renamed Kateri, baptized in honor of Saint Catherine of Siena. Refusing to marry, she left her village and moved for the remaining five years of her life to the Jesuit mission village of Kahnawake, south of Montreal in New France, now Canada.
Tekakwitha took a vow of perpetual virginity. Upon her death at the age of 24, witnesses said that minutes later her scars vanished and her face appeared radiant and beautiful. Known for her virtue of chastity and mortification of the flesh, as well as being shunned by some of her tribe for her religious conversion to Catholicism, she is the fourth Native American to be venerated in the Roman Catholic Church and the first to be canonized.[5]
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Fascist threats from the schmeer side of bottom feeding politico's
Rachel, do elaborate on the last part: “better hope your guy wins, since you’re burning a lot of bridges”. Exactly what bridges am I burning? Surely you are not saying that if Scheer wins the election, @CPC_HQ would try to sabotage me or my career, are you!? #cdnpoli
Read Thread
Read Thread
Scheer will accelerate what Ford is doing in Ontario and Kenney has started in Alberta
Municipalities grapple with hundreds of millions in provincial funding cuts
TORONTO — Ontario's municipalities say they may be forced to raise taxes or cut services due to provincial government cuts that will likely equal well over half a billion dollars in lost annual funding and foregone revenue.
Since the Progressive Conservative government released its first budget last month that set out a plan to eliminate an $11.7-billion deficit over five years, word of various cuts has been reaching municipalities in dribs and drabs.
They are working to tally up the numbers and extract more information from the province — complaining that it hasn't been especially forthcoming — but preliminary figures show municipalities will be out at least several hundreds of millions of dollars a year once the changes are fully phased in.
Large municipality mayors have called it "downloading by stealth," saying the province is attempting to balance its budget on the backs of local taxpayers. The cuts are coming long after municipalities, which operate on calendar and not fiscal years, have passed their budgets. They are weighing tax hikes, service cuts and/or delaying capital projects to make up for the losses.
"There only is one taxpayer," Toronto Mayor John Tory said recently.
"I've pointed out the irony of the minister of finance almost in the first three paragraphs of his budget speech saying 'We're very proud of the fact that we didn't raise any taxes this year.' And yet they knew, I assume, they were going to be sending us letters and emails within hours or days, causing us to have to raise taxes."
The City of Toronto alone estimates that the cuts will cost it $178 million this year.
The CIA had an opening for an assassin. After all the background
checks, interviews, and testing were done, there were three finalists:two men and a woman. For the final test, the CIA agents took one ofthe men to a large metal door and handed him a gun."We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter whatthe circumstances. Inside the room you will find your wife sitting ina chair. Kill her.The man said, "You can't be serious. I could never shoot my wife."The agent said, "Then you are not the right man for this job. Takeyour wife and go home."The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun andwent into the room. All was quiet for about five minutes. The mancame out with tears in his eyes, "I tried, but I can't kill my wife."The agent said, "You don't have what it takes, so take your wife and go home."Finally, it was the woman's turn. She was given the same instructionsto kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shotswere heard one after another. They heard screaming, crashing, andbanging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet. The dooropened slowly and there stood the woman, wiping sweat from her brow."The gun was loaded with blanks," she said. "I had to kill him with the chair."
Thanks Graham
Monday, May 27, 2019
Stand with Michael Cole against Doug Fords not so subtle threat
And here is our Premier Douglas Robert Ford (@fordnation).
I'm sorry but this sounds really threatening, I'm not clear what I've done that could constitute a threat since it's pretty demonstrable that there is something very corrupt in QP, none the less.
27 Bars in Montreal you need to visit.
I have been to 2 of these back in the day.
Bar De Courcelle when I lived in Verdun during the work week and went home on weekends in the country. Late 90's and later. Right in the heart of St-Henri. Some real characters in the place, just like all the places around there and in the Pointe.
Dominion Square Taverne back in the 70- 80's. Good lunch spot when I was in the Sun Life building next door.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Ignore the lies, the truth is out there
Never before in the history of Canada have we had a party who follows their mentor, the GOP, and tells Canadians lie after lie
Ode to Andy the Panderer
Andy the
Panderer lied to those pro choice
Andy the
Panderer gave the anti side new voice
Andy the
Panderer wants to rule the womb
Andy the
Panderer we will give him no room
Andy the
Panderer for Prime Minister he hopes
Andy the
panderer sure as hell won’t get our votes
THE NEW MOTOR HOME - My next camper !
THE NEW MOTOR HOMEThe Arabs are foregoing their camels for this New Motorhome…Especially designed for the Arab Market!
And they’re buyin’em in droves at $3m apiece!
The moving mansion can even clean itself. The vehicle has been a hit among oil-rich Arab Sheikhs - the state-of-the-art homes
Even wash themselves after a day's
Driving through the Middle Eastern desert,"
The Daily Mail reports. But the amazing vehicle could also cater to
Any multi-millionaire or global superstar on the road.
It's available in white (shown here).
Inside, there is ample space for lounging.
Upstairs (yes, it's a double Decker) there's a master bedroom,
Complete with windows and wall art.
It even has its own en-suite bathroom.
There's also a cocktail lounge area for entertaining.
This is where the driver sits on the top floor.
The eleMMent can expand at the touch of a button to give riders more interior space.
And there's a drop down staircase and pop up sky lounge at the top.
Complete with couches and a table for guests.
This is the WHITE model
The world's most expensive mobile home has gone on sale in Dubai for £2 million,
Or $3.1 million at today's conversion rates, then there’s the GOLD model!
The humongous, 40-foot-long element Palazzo from Austrian company Marchi MobileIs covered with gold and comes with a ton of luxury features, including a 40-inch flat screen,
a pop-up cocktail lounge, a fireplace, a master bedroom, and underfloor heating.
Where's the price for the Gold model ?
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