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Friday, August 10, 2018

The cowardice of world leaders

I support my Canadian government in their defence of human right abuses in Saudi Arabia

Stand with Canada

The backstabbing Saudi's use their financila influence on the likes of Trump and the GOP, Harper/Scheer and the CPC as well as Ford and the PC it is time we as a people say NO, enough of this abuse against the working class.

The Saudi's are selling off their Canadian assets, at any price, who cares. First another investment group will jump in and maybe, just maybe they will not be as abusive as G3 and others.

And just maybe we will regain control of the Canadian Wheat Board that the prick Harper sold off to the Saudi's

Think about it Canada we will soon be rid of the financial supporters of Al-Quaida and the Islamic State.

If World leaders do not support Canada on this issue we will know the stand with the oppression of the people.


Craig Forcese @cforcese
5h5 hours ago
This Saudi/Canada spat is a stark juxtaposition of @Joe_Nye’s concept of “soft power”. Soft Power 30 (put together by a consultancy company) ranks Canada 6th in the top 30. Saudi, as you might imagine, is not ranked. I found the consultancy’s advice to Cda interesting:

Failing to take a stand we not only fail those subjected to human abuses we fail ourselves and our citizens

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