Canada puts asylum toddlers behind razor wire
Jason Kenney defends the fact that 289 children of asylum-seekers are held in Canadian detention centres, amid wire fences, guards and barred windows.
It has come to this: Canada puts small children in jail.
“They are not jails,” insists Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. “In the case of the Toronto one, for example, the main one, it’s a former three-star hotel with a fence around it.”
So Kenney told CBC News when it presented him with the fact that 289 children of asylum-seekers are being held in Canadian detention centres while their parents’ immigration status is being decided. He had no comment on what can been openly seen and photographed: children’s outdoor slides surrounded by actual razor-wire fences, guards, surveillance cameras and rooms with barred windows.
Of the detained children, 75 are under 5 years old, 65 are aged 6 to 9, 55 are 10 to12 and 92 are between 13 and 17, the CBC reported. It would be one thing if these children were allowed to live with their families, but no. Canada keeps the fathers in a separate section of the building. Children and their mothers can visit them only at set times. It’s like a divorce court where fathers are automatically presumed at fault.
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