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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Tar Sands - Misleading Canadians

The Worlds dirtiest oil

Regardless of how hard your Reformist government tries to glorify the Tar Sands they remain among the dirtiest oil on the planet.

That being said, in 1991 the development of the Tar Sands halted due to the low price of oil. At the time we were in a deep economic depression. The price of oil per barrel was about 35 dollars and the Oil Tycoons were telling us that the price per barrel had to reach 55 dollars in order for the production to be profitable. It has surpassed their wildest dreams.

With the support of your Reformist Federal Government the oil industry is forging ahead. We are told this is good for the economy and, while that may be true, it is destroying the environment. The further we allow it to continue, the higher the cost of clean up.

Do you really believe that if the Conservatives were to impose environmental restrictions on the oil industry that they, the oil vultures,  would pull out of Canada..... Really???? How stupid is that???

They have too much invested and are too greedy.....

Do you remember how we all resisted recycling?

That has created a whole industry in itself.

Do you not think that setting environmental standards would create an industry? Do you not think that wind and solar power are an industry unto themselves?

When governments legislated the reduction of particulate emissions, industry installed baghouses (dust collectors). They didn't run away. It did however spawn several new industries.
Are you really that ignorant of how the environment around you is changing?

Excerpt from the Kyoto Protocol:

The objective of the Kyoto climate change conference was to establish a legally binding international agreement, whereby all the participating nations commit themselves to tackling the issue of global warming and greenhouse gas emissions. The target agreed upon was an average reduction of 5.2% from 1990 levels by the year 2012. According to the treaty, in 2012, Annex I countries must have fulfilled their obligations of reduction of greenhouse gases emissions established for the first commitment period (2008–2012) (listed in Annex B of the Protocol).

Contrary to Enviroment Minister Peter Kent's statement that the Liberals did not do anything I would venture a guess that they were not the government between 2008 and 2012.

Forget Peter Kents slanderous remarks and check this site for details on when Kyoto came into force  ....

Can this Reformist Government NOT be honest for once.....

We did find out one truth today.... well I'm not sure if the amount is true because Peter Kent told us different numbers at different times.... but Canada saved 14 billion dollars in penalties by backing out of Kyoto...... gee does that mean I can back out of my financial obligations too

A Short Fairy Tale

Corporations are resposible to their shareholders

Conservatives are responsible to the voter

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